Fish Booonze
I had this idea to paint colorful tropical fish in water. Sure, I understand there is nothing new about that and has been done a million times by artists with more skill in that arena than I will ever have. However, my little twist was to create that image by just using the skeletal make […]
Hat Study
Recently I have been playing combining water color painting, color pencil and various solvent transfers. This is a image I created using this technique. Although it is an ongoing practice session I like where things are going.
12 Chairs, 12 Dots, 12 days
Here is the final grouping from my little exercise of painting 12 chairs over the span of 12 days, one painting a day for 12 days. Each piece is stared by a different wooden chair, each with 12 colorful dots. This was more a fun challenge to myself than anything else. I made a promise […]