We Are All Just People
We are all just people, We are a world of diversity, no mater what group you align yourself with, no matter the ethnicity, color, gender, religious or political beliefs for which you stand we are all just people. For the briefest of moments in the realm of a life imagine what it might be like […]
Hat Series
I have been working on women in hat painting off and on for the last couple years. I thought it would be interesting to find fun sayings about hats, wearing hats and the meaning of wearing hats. I took a handful of these sayings and created these little 10×10 inch paintings with Mens hats as […]
Fish Booonze
I had this idea to paint colorful tropical fish in water. Sure, I understand there is nothing new about that and has been done a million times by artists with more skill in that arena than I will ever have. However, my little twist was to create that image by just using the skeletal make […]
Hat Study
Recently I have been playing combining water color painting, color pencil and various solvent transfers. This is a image I created using this technique. Although it is an ongoing practice session I like where things are going.
12 Paintings, 12 Chairs, 12 Dots in 12 days
For the next 12 days I will attempt to do a small painting a day of 12 different chairs. This idea stemmed from the comedic pursuit of hidden riches from the 1928 Russian Novel and the 1970 Mel Brooks film ‘The 12 Chairs’. Most everyone is on their own little journey of our own little […]
Portrait Study, Scarlett Johansson
For fun, I have been wanting to try a celebrity portrait for some time, but I keep failing. I keep experimenting with my technique as I gain control the chaos of melting, chemical washes and various substrates. I was reasonably happy with this portrait of the lovely Scarlett Johansson. I love the background!
My One and Only
My one and only, My support, my stem, my light, My flaming flower. The one that stands in concert with me. For my heart burns and yearns for my one and only. Flaming Flower 40×30 inches – Mixed Media on Water Color Paper Price: $1,200.00 Enjoy!
It Only Takes One
It only takes one. One person, one thing, one moment. It only takes one. One touch, one smile, one thought, That affects a change in ones path or mood. It only takes one. One small intimate thing that reaches out, Adding color, dreams and hope to ones life. “It Only Takes One” 36 x 32 […]
Floral Arrangement Series
What started as an exercise of creating images using basic graphic shapes has turned into a nice little series of paintings. In the case of these two pieces I started with drawing family crests or shields and arranging them in various ways. I then took those shapes and began painting, printing and chemical washes to […]