Coffee with Tony Auston. Recently an old friend, and someone I admire, was in town and of course we made time for a cup of coffee and a visit. Tony and I first met many, many years ago in graphic design school at Chico State. We spent more hours than I can recall together in a small room of drawing tables, paper, pencils, rapidograph pens, pica poles and T-squares, not one computer. There may have also been a little time wasted sipping a cold one or two. Tony is as interesting and talented individual you may ever meet, a wonderful storyteller. He is the embodiment of caring, humility, passion for his craft and always good for a smile.

Tony is enthusiastically involved with his 3 children. He is a musician, playing guitar, mandolin or even his homemade stand up base, a bluegrass man. Tony is an avid baseball fan-SF Giants, enjoys a good meal and a nice glass of wine. But most of all, Tony is a true designer. “Design plays an integral part of life”. – TA.

Tony is a branding expert, package designer, mentor, speaker, student of consumer behavior and marketer. His firm, Auston Design Group, specializes in branding and package design for beer, wine and spirit makers. His work exemplifies the standards and craftsmanship of design as it was meant to be. If you have strolled down the isles of any liquor store you have likely been influenced by his work.

#14_Tony BW

SIP coffee-in-scottsdale

