Coffee with Crista Cloutier. Crista and I met some years ago at an event she was hosting. We soon became friends, maybe for our shared affection of pancakes. Crista is a fascinating  lady with a soothing tone to her voice, a big smile and great laugh. Crista is an artist, photographer, writer, storyteller, curator, and most of all a passionate lover of art and admirer of the people who create it. She has been a major player and influencer in the art world. Crista is a well-traveled citizen of the world splitting her residence between London and Phoenix. Her skill for observation, listening and processing interactions with people is an attribute so few posses, and amazing to participate in.

Crista has been building a successful consulting business helping other artists market, plan, inspire, support and motivate themselves and their crafts. For Crista, it’s not just a business. You can quickly see that she is enthusiastic about art and the art business. She is an absolute joy to have a cup of coffee with, She is a wonderful conversationalist and her mental wheels are always turning. If you get a chance grab a mug, a chair and have a chat; or buy her some pancakes.
