We are all just people, We are a world of diversity, no mater what group you align yourself with, no matter the ethnicity, color, gender, religious or political beliefs for which you stand we are all just people. For the briefest of moments in the realm of a life imagine what it might be like to wear someone else’s hat. Before you do, say or even post anything, take a few seconds and try on their hat.

I wanted to create something fun, colorful and energetic. I painted the same hat over and over representing human kind. The colors represent the variations of the types of people and groups with whom we share. Art, that’s all it really is. A piece to hang on your wall that has the above subtext associated with it.

“We Are All Just People” 24×36 mixed media on watercolor paper. Combining digital, melting ink into paper and pastels.

Mixed Media
Mixed Media