I have recently returned for my first one-man show at a small gallery in Bagni di Lucca, Italy just outside Lucca Italy. The entire trip was a series of firsts that exceeded all dreams. Not only was this my first show but my first trip to Europe as well as my first to Italy, the birthplace of my fathers’ parents.

What a great experience on all fronts. I was rather pleased with the number of people that came to see my work, now it might have been the free wine, but the feedback was more than positive. Some were interested in my technique and others wanted to know what was going through my head when creating particular pieces. The language barrier was not much of an issue, but even with an interpreter I at times lost focus in their words and got enthralled with the language itself.

For me it was a beautiful show and even sold a couple pieces, which made it even more worth wild. It was an experience I’ll never forget.